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Philadelphia Freedom: Wheelchair User Guide to the City of Brotherly Love

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 5/23/18 10:30 AM

Founded way back in 1682, Philadelphia is perhaps America’s most historic city. It was the seat of the America Revolution, and home to the nation’s first capital, hospital, library and public parks.

But don’t let all that history scare you off: Philadelphia remains a highly wheelchair-friendly city, whether you’re looking to buy a wheelchair or just rent a wheelchair for a day.

In this week’s blog post, we’ve turned to the website Wheelchair Travel for a look at how you can explore Philadelphia if you use a wheelchair.

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Mobility Scooter vs a Power Wheelchair: What's is the Difference?

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 5/9/18 10:30 AM

To the average person, power wheelchairs and mobility scooters might seem pretty interchangeable.

But ask someone who relies on mobility devices to live their daily lives and they’ll tell you there are some pretty key differences between the two.

Not sure whether you or a loved one would do better with a scooter or a power chair? Here’s a look at the differences between the two.

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Will Medicare Cover My Diabetic Shoes?

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 4/25/18 10:30 AM

While proper foot care is crucial for people with diabetes, not every person with the illness needs special shoes.

If you do need diabetic shoes, you might be able to have it paid for under Medicare. Here’s what you need to know about Medicare and shoes for diabetics.

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Women & Caregiving: Shedding Light on the Burden

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 4/11/18 10:30 AM

Are you a member of the “Sandwich Generation?”

This is a term used to describe the millions of women who act as caregivers to their elderly parents, while still raising children and holding down a job. And they need help.

In this week’s blog post, we’ll look at the struggles facing these women, and how devices such as medication dispensers and medical alert systems can help ease their burden.

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What to Look for When Being Fitted for Diabetic Shoes and Inserts

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 8/30/17 12:09 PM


It's a lesson you've learned if you've ever spent a day in a pair of work boots that were too loose or heels that were too snug: proper shoe fit is important.

Shoes that don't fit properly can cause blisters, bunions, calluses and other foot issues. And this becomes even more of a concern when you're living with diabetes, even in the early stages of the illness.

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