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What’s the Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid?

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 8/16/17 11:00 AM

Marx Medical Helps you understand the differences between Medicare and Medicaid.

Although they’re both government programs with similar names, Medicare and Medicaid are not the same thing.

There are some crucial differences between these two insurance programs. In this week’s blog post, we’ll look at their distinctions, and what types of services are covered by both.

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Disposable Diapers: Breaking Through the Stigma

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 7/12/17 8:02 AM

In the next few years adult diapers may outsell diapers for babies.

There may come a day in the next few years when adult diapers outsell diapers designed for babies.

That’s according to Fortune, which says that sales of adult diapers – aimed not so much at seniors as women in their 40s and 50s – are expected to grow by nearly 50 percent by 2020.

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Best Practices for Medication Disposal

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 6/28/17 2:14 PM

Check the date on your prescriptions and properly dispose all medications.

Twice each year, the DEA holds National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, a chance for people to safely dispose of unused or expired medications.

But that doesn’t mean you have to wait for those days to come around to get rid of your unwanted meds. There are ways you can dispose of your old prescription drugs that are safe and environmentally-friendly.

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Caregivers: Be Sure to Take Care of Yourself

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 6/15/17 8:52 AM

As a caregive, make sure to take care of yourself.Are you a caregiver? There's a good chance you are: 25 percent of all adults are caregivers for an adult friend or family member.

And if you're a caregiver, you know the demands of this job can be overwhelming. If the stress associated with providing long term care isn't dealt with, it can take a toll on your mental and physical health, and harm those around you.

That's why we're using today's blog post to focus on caregiver support. We wanted to share some signs that you might be stressed, along with some ways to deal with them.

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Diabetic Foot Care Tips

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 5/31/17 8:00 AM

diabetic foot care tips

When you live with diabetes, you spend more time thinking about foot care than most people.

According to the American Diabetes Association, 20 percent of all diabetic people will seek hospital care due to foot trouble. Improper foot care can eventually lead to you losing a toe, foot or leg.

But if you take diligent care of your feet, you can avoid this awful scenario. That’s why we’ve put together this list of diabetic foot care tips:

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