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Considerations when buying or renting a Stair Glide

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 9/8/20 11:30 AM

Considerations when buying or renting a Stair Glide

As the population ages, installing stair lifts is becoming more and more popular. From arthritis to balance impairments, several health issues can make it difficult in a home where there are stairs. The good news is that there is an easy solution… A stair lift is a perfect option for otherwise mobile people, but just need a boost to get up and down the stairs.

The stair glide is easy to install on a spiral or curved staircase and can be used both indoors and outdoors. When you purchase one of these devices, you no longer have to worry about calling for assistance. A stair glide is a motorized chair that moves on the side of your stairway. The chair is linked to and operates along a rail that is set up to move the entire distance of the stairway.

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Stair lift Rental and why you should think about it.

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 7/27/20 4:20 PM

Stair lift Rental and why you should think about it.

Stair lifts offer a safe, practical and reliable way of overcoming the problem of getting up and down stairs. Stair lifts are available in a number of different configurations in order to fit your house or your needs. Designed by a team of experts, a stair lift delivers a safe and reliable way to overcome the problems posed by stairs. Here at Marx Medical Equipment we are extremely proud of the quality that goes into every stair lift. When we install your new stair lift, we pay close attention to even the smallest detail and will complete the installation in a professional yet friendly manner. 

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Pennsylvania’s Move to Managed Care

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 3/7/20 2:15 PM

Pennsylvania’s Move to Managed Care

If you are live in Pennsylvania and have been receiving Home and Community Based Services(HCBS) through one of the existing Medicaid Waivers (Aging Waiver, Attendant Care Waiver, Independence Waiver, OBRA Waiver and COMMCARE Waiver) or an individual who is dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, it is important for you to know that the PA Department of Human Services has been eliminating the different  waivers and replacing them with one, comprehensive program called Community HealthChoices(CHC).

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Platform Lifts – Making Life Easier for People with Limited Mobility

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 2/19/20 1:00 PM

Stairways and elevated floors are major challenges for many individuals, seniors and those recovering from an injury. Today, more than 1/3 of the population above the age of 75, has some form of mobility restriction.  For many the stairs has become a handicap.  Platform lifts are a good option for them, being designed to raise the consumer and their wheelchair, scooter or power chair to the desired level. These lifts are durable and ensure easy accessibility both indoors and outdoors. They help to overcome barriers such as stairs and give easier access to the home.

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Benefits of installing a stair lift at home

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 1/9/20 1:47 PM

Persons with limited mobility due to old age or disability often feel compelled to move from their multi-level home

As we get older and our health becomes more fragile, problems may arise which can reduce our level of independence.  Fortunately, there are many mobility aids which restore our sense of independence. The most popular being the stair lift.

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