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Marx Medical Equipment

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What is a Hoyer Lift and how do you use it

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 5/18/21 11:46 AM

What is a Hoyer Lift?

People who are living with immobility can rely on the Hoyer lift to safely transport them from place to place with the help of their caregivers. A Hoyer lift is a mobility tool used to help seniors with mobility challenges get out of bed or the bath without the assistance of another person. Named for its inventor, the Hoyer lift is also referred to as a portable total body lift or a patient lift. These devices can be free-standing, on wheels, or can be secured to a wall or the ceiling, depending on the user’s needs and room set-up.

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How to Select a Vehicle  Wheelchair Lift

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 4/12/21 10:15 AM

Wheelchair lifts for cars come in a variety of styles and price points for consumer and commercial vehicles. Power wheelchair and scooter users have the ability to move around their homes or even the garden, with the aid of home modifications or with the support of a caregiver. Moving in locations close to home is also possible, but going outside to places that a car is needed, is completely different.

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Using a Breast Pump : The Advantages

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 1/28/21 12:41 PM

Using Breast Pump : Advantages

Both breastfeeding and pumping are excellent ways to feed a baby breast milk. Breast milk is the natural food for infants, and pumping can offer benefits that are similar, although not identical, to providing breast milk directly from the breast. Babies who feed exclusively on pumped milk do not get the benefit of a feedback loop between their body and the breast milk. However, they do still gain access to a well-designed food that is rich in healthful fats and antibodies.

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Adaptive Home Modifications : Our house, our safe place

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 12/9/20 2:14 PM

Adaptive Home Modifications : Our house, our safe place

For many people, getting older comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to mobility. As much as they would like to remain in the home they love, family members often can’t take care of their mobility needs around the house.


However, there is a way for you or your loved one to stay home and to promote more safety throughout the house. We believe aging in place should be possible for all of our customers. That’s why we offer a range of remodelling services to help people achieve that goal.

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How to rent a Wheelchair When You Travel

Posted by Marx Medical Equipment on 10/8/20 12:29 PM

When you travel, you can use resources such as airports, travel agents, and hotels, to help you arrange for a wheelchair rental. However, if you are not flying to your destination and if you are staying with friends or family, you may have to spend more time looking for local resources and making arrangements yourself.

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