Marx Medical Equipment Blog

Using a Breast Pump : The Advantages

Written by Marx Medical Equipment | 1/28/21 5:41 PM

Using Breast Pump : Advantages

Both breastfeeding and pumping are excellent ways to feed a baby breast milk. Breast milk is the natural food for infants, and pumping can offer benefits that are similar, although not identical, to providing breast milk directly from the breast. Babies who feed exclusively on pumped milk do not get the benefit of a feedback loop between their body and the breast milk. However, they do still gain access to a well-designed food that is rich in healthful fats and antibodies.

Pros of pumping

The benefits of pumping milk include the following:

  1. Control over timing

By pumping milk, mothers & caregivers can control the timing of feedings. They can decide on a schedule that works for them and pump when necessary based on that schedule.

Controlling the timing of feedings can facilitate a return to work and potentially free up more time.

  1. Ability to share feedings

Pumping milk allows the caregiver to manage the baby’s feeding times.

It may be easier for people to split caregiving duties if they choose pumping over breastfeeding or a combination of those too

Sharing the feeding may promote a positive balance of childcare duties. The ability to share feeding may also offer some convenience and help the person who is breastfeeding feel more rested.

This ability to share feedings can be especially beneficial in the immediate postpartum period, when caregivers may be exhausted and recovering from childbirth.

If possible, parents and caregivers should not introduce a bottle until breastfeeding is well established.

  1. Addressing supply issues

Pumping breast milk is one way to address breast milk supply issues. Some people choose to pump after each breastfeeding session to increase their supply. Pumping can also help build a freezer stash of milk if a person is concerned about low supply.

  1. More breaks

Pumping allows the mothers to have a break while they are coping with months, or even years, of sleep deprivation. Recovering from childbirth can be also be challenging, as can managing the time demands of caring for infant.

Pumping and storing breast milk can allow mothers to go out for a few hours, go on a date night, or even go on vacation while still leaving behind enough food for their baby.

If a person is working then pumping their breast milk allows those who are caring for the baby to offer them the same healthful breast milk.

  1. Donor milk

Biological parents are not the only people who can supply breast milk. Some babies receive breast milk from donors.

An adopted baby might receive donor milk. Similarly, a person who cannot produce enough milk might supplement their supply with milk from a milk bank. The pumped milk may be the only way for some babies to get breast milk.

The American Academy of Pediatrics emphasize that all babies should get human milk and recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. But when a woman cannot produce milk, pumped milk from a donor is a better option than formula.

There are milk banks available that ensure the milk is safe to use, as breast milk can transfer some illnesses.



Both breastfeeding and giving a baby pumped breast milk offer extensive health benefits. Pumping and breastfeeding also require a significant commitment from the person providing the milk. Marx Medical Equipment offers a wide range of breast pumps that will help you comfortably express more milk. Breast pumps are covered through most major insurance plans. Call us today and get yours at no out of packet cost (detectable coinsurances or copays may apply).